
❤️ & 💡
Nurturing & innovative workplaces.

You are sitting in the same boat as your colleagues.
Crewsby helps you to make the most out of the ride.

Access the genius of smarter people.

We curate the best ideas & practices to design tools for you. Here are the giants on whose shoulders we stand:

Ken Blanchard • Chip Conley • John Doerr • Amy Edmundson • Tasha Eurich • Atul Gawande • Adam Grant • Jeremy Gutsche • Gary Hamel • Ben Horrowitz • Tom Kelley • Fredic Laloux • Patrick Lencioni • Vittorio Loreto • Fredrick G. Pferdt • Max De Pree • Edgar Schein • F. Schulz von Thun • Kim Scott • Simon Sinek • J.J. Sutherland • Karl Weick • Tom Wujec

We are currently working on a better way to express our appreciation. Any suggestions?

Culture by the crew for the crew.

Culture creates a place to belong. Everybody deserves this connection at work. We believe that change can only come from the crew itself. Learning to fish is so much more fun than just getting a fish. It is our mission to provide actionable resources for you to change gracefully. We scout the web for amazing ideas and best practices from which we design tutorials & exercises.

Lilian Izsak

Lilian Izsak
Lili is a happiness engineer with a sixth sense for details.

Nicolas Megow

Nicolas Megow
Nicolas is a team coach & a bookworm.

Crewsby is open source.

Share & adapt

Our exercises are yours to use. Adapt them to your needs & share them with your friends.

Contributions welcome!

We'd love to include your ideas & practices.
Join us
